Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Tuesday Book Review on Wednesday

Four-star review of The Immortal Words by Jeff Wheeler

 This is the end of the trilogy about Bingmei’s efforts to defeat the dragons, especially Echion the Dragon of Night and his queen, Xisi, and restore the kingdoms he’d conquered. She must go beyond the Death Wall, accompanied much of the way by her faithful friend, the fisherman’s son Quion. Several prophecies are involved in her quest, including her visit to the phoenix shrine and the birth of her child by Prince Rowan. I’ve enjoyed Wheeler’s books for a long time, but this one seemed to drag in places, and the ending left so many unfinished plotlines without the promise of a book four or a second trilogy in this world. Somewhere along the way, instead of Bingmei being the only Phoenix-chosen, her son is, and did I miss the place where Rowan developed the ability to transform into a phoenix too? 

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