Tuesday, December 29, 2020


Four-star review of A Better Man by Louise Penny

This was not my favorite book in this series, but it was an interesting read. Armand has returned to the Surite with Jean-Guy as his superior. They become involved in the search for a missing pregnant woman at the same time as the rivers are overflowing from a mixture of rain and Spring thaw. All the characters are deftly drawn but the scenery steals the show.

Four-star review of The Lost Girls of Paris by Pam Janoff

The story of three women just before D-Day and a year or so after is about how their lives intertwine. Eleanor Trigg created and managed a group of young British women who flew into German-occupied France in the closing days of the WWII to send and receive radio messages in code to help the resistance fighters. Marie was one of her girls, and Grace is an American who finds Eleanor’s abandoned suitcase in Grand Central Station and takes a packet of photos of twelve of the girls. Full of mystery, intrigue and romance, this was an interesting and quick read, but I was bothered by the incorrect details, e.g., there were only forty-eight states in 1946, not fifty, and TVs weren’t common then either.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Tuesday Blog Review


Five-star review of Challenge Accepted – a charity anthology compiled and edited by Stephanie Barr

This anthology to benefit Special Olympics contains seventeen science fiction and fantasy short stories in which disabled main characters don’t allow their disabilities to prevent them from being heroes. All of the stories, including I hope my own, are well-written, entertaining and diverse. Several are even excellent. The people in them rise above. Their disabilities don’t define them. They don’t need rescuing but instead, save the day. Many kinds of disabilities are represented including loss of a limb, loss of sight, loss of hearing, even mental disabilities.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Tuesday Book Review


Four-star review of The Paris Seamstress by Natasha Lester

I don’t usually read romances, not even historical ones, but I found this book in my ginormous TBR pile and started it. I finished it in just a few weeks. The story about a seamstress who flees Paris as the Germans are invading and find new family and friends in New York as well as eventual success as a designer of ‘clothes women want to wear’ would probably have been enough. But that story is interspersed with her granddaughter modern day story. Like most romance novels, the women are all beautiful and the men all handsome. The designer’s clothes are amazing, etc. But the superlatives didn’t bother me as much as they usually do. Perhaps it was the engaging writing. At times, the parallels between Estella’s and Fabienne’s lives and similar personalities were too much, and I occasionally had to think about which one’s story we were in. But their stories were usually interesting and once in a while exciting.